The client can identify a minty . Pain management includes medicines and therapies to treat pain from a surgery, injury, or illness. The unit cost of normal spoilage is the same as the unit cost of abnormal spoilage. Do you agree? ", A nurse is discussing cutaneous stimulation with a client who has back pain. A nurse is caring for a client who reports muscle pain to the lower back that has persisted for over a year after a motor-vehicle crash. 1035 Natoma Street, San Francisco. 3) explaining misconceptions about pain Ans: C No research indicates that women and/or younger people need higher doses of morphine to be comfortable. ), ATI Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Regulat, Maternal Newborn ATI Contraception/Infertility, Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins. 12 Test Bank, Marketing Reading-Framework for Marketing Strategy Formation, PSY HW#3 - Homework on habituation, secure and insecure attachment and the stage theory. missing part. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take? A charge nurse is reviewing factors that can affect a client's perception of pain with a newly licensed nurse. D) Case manager self-care and safety are the priorities. Much pain associated with cancer is a direct result of tumor involvement. Health promotioan important global concept for maintaining health, and exercise is an appropriate activity; however,n is A nurse is caring for an older adult client who has a cognitive impairment and is postoperative. ATI-FUNDAMENTALS-2019-PROCTORED-EXAM-FUNDAMENTALS-PROCTORED-EXAMATI Fundamentals 2019 Proctored Exam |Fundamentals Proctored ExamA nurse is planning care for a group of clients. C) Psychosomatic processes The nurse should monitor the client for which of the following adverse effcets? Thhe has been saving his PRN analgesics until the pain is intense because his pain control has e patient indicates thatbeen D) Assessment for paradoxical increase in pain D) Your body absorbs less of the drug due to the cancer. Feedback: One way preventive pain measures can be implemented is by using PRN medications on a more reor scheduled basis to allow for more uniform pain control. Distorting the action potential that is transmitted along the A-delta (d) and C fibers. Feedback: Teaching the family the theory of pain management or the use of alternative therapies and the nurse providing emotional support are important, but the family must be able to operate the pump as well as know the side effects of the medication and strategies to manage them. The oral route is better for chronic, nonfluctuating pain the nurse should teach the patient which of the following? The patients comorbid conditions will also affect care, but not a key consideration. D) Use the services of a translator each time you assess the patient so you can documenpain rating. 3) morphine and hydromorphone (Dilaudid) are typical opioids for PCA delivery ), Transcutaneous electronic stimulating unit (TENS unit). Better pain control can be achieved with a preventive approach, reducing the amount of time patients are in pain. the patient and caregiver to promote continuity. Is it constant or intermittent? A 74-year-old woman was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis 1 year ago, but has achieved adequatesymptom control through the regular use of celecoxib (Celebrex), a COX-2 selective NSAID. I will speak to the doctor about your husbands pain control. ), Fear of addiction Much pain associated with cancer is a direct result of tumor involvement. A 60-year-old patient who has diabetes had a below-knee amputation 1 week ago. Child and Early Adolescent Development and Psychology (ELM 200), Organizational Theory and Behavior (BUS 5113), Fundamentals of Information Technology (IT200), Foundation in Application Development (IT145), Ethical and Legal Considerations of Healthcare (IHP420), Professional Application in Service Learning I (LDR-461), Advanced Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions (NUR 4904), Principles Of Environmental Science (ENV 100), Operating Systems 2 (proctored course) (CS 3307), Comparative Programming Languages (CS 4402), Business Core Capstone: An Integrated Application (D083), 315-HW6 sol - fall 2015 homework 6 solutions, Ch. Check the IV site and PCA pump for proper functioning. D) Inhibiting transduction by blocking the formation of prostaglandins in the periphery B) When dealing with withdrawal symptoms resulting from the tolerance Nurses should understand the effects of chronic pain on patients and families and should beknowledgeable about pain-relief strategies and appropriate resources to assist effectively with pain Which of the following questions should the nurse ask the client to assess the quality of the pain? ing plan of. Ans: C C. "My pain feels like I'm being stabbed by a knife. Wellness & Self-Care. 4) It is essential to monitor and intervene for adverse effects of opioid use: constipation, orthostatic hypotension, urinary retention, nausea/vomiting, sedation, respiratory depression, Pharmacological Interventions: Adjuvant analgesics enhance the effects of nonopioids, help alleviate other symptoms that aggravate pain (depression, seizures, inflammation), and are useful for treating neuropathic pain, Adjuvant medications include: The nurse checks the PCA monitor and determines that the patient has made six attempts within the last hour. Feedback: Patients requiring opioids for chronic pain, especially cancer patients, need increasipain. C) Provide patient and family teaching regarding the operation of the pump, monitoring the IV siteand knowing the side effects of the medication. The patient describes the pain as fleeting, electric-like and triggered by light touch and brushing of the teeth. Drug interactions are more likely to occur in older adults because of the higher incidence of chronic illness and the increased use of prescription and OTC medications. Ask "What does the pain feel like?" It is particularly harmful in the elderly who have been injured or who are ill. Which of the following statements should the nurse include? A multimodal regimen combines drugs with different underlying mechanisms, which allows lower doses of each of the drugs in the treatment plan, reducing the potential for each to produce adverse effects. Which of the following medications should the nurse ensure is available in case the client develops respiratory depression? The nurse is evaluating the effectiveness of guided imagery for pain management as used for a patient who has second- and third-degree burns and needs extensive dressing changes. ATI: Pain Management Flashcards | Quizlet ATI: Pain Management 4.9 (12 reviews) Term 1 / 7 During a pain assessment, a nurse asks questions about the quality of an adult patient's pain. She tells you that she is concerbecause her husband is requiring increasingly high doses of analgesia. A nurse is caring for a client prescribed IV morphine via PCA with a demand of 1 mg every 15 min and a 4mg/hr lockout. A nurse is providing end-of-life care for a client who is unresponsive and near death. Creating autonomy is important, but need is a poorly defined concept. The nurse is assessing a patients pain while the patient awaits a cholecystecthesitant to move, and grimacing. Acuindicates that damage or injury has occurred. The more experience a person has had with pain, the more frightened he or she may be about subsequent painful events. c) an employer is always liable for the actions of its employee outside the scope of employment, d) an employer can never be liable for the actions of its employee unless they are relatives, Exercise 13.25 required you to conduct a t-test of the difference between two means. Thus, the best set of goals would be to decrease time lost from work to increase the quality of interpersonal relationships, and decrease anxiety. based on the clients pain and doctors orders decide on what kind and how much prescripted pain medication should be administered; administer analgesic medications before the pain is severe The dose range is usuallyhigher with cancer patients. Older adults are not immune to the negative effects of stress. B. A) Monitor for signs of drug toxicity due to a decrease in metabolism. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) given together. A) Depression A nurse is assessing a client's cranial nerves. The nurse caring for a 91-year-old patient with osteoarthritis is reviewing the patieis on a variety of medications prescribed by different care providers in the community. "You should write down the pain interventions you use and your pain rating before and after. Ans: D D) The patient will likely benefit more from distraction than pharmacologic interventions. However, thnurse would be most concerned about in terms of ensuring safety. Preview text. Cross), Give Me Liberty! Regardless of how patients cope with chronic pain, pain that lasts for an extended period can result in depression, anger, or emotional withdrawal. 1 Q _______ is the conversion of painful stimuli to an electrical impulse through peripheral nerve fibers (nociceceptors). The family member is obviously Pain medication is used to prevent pain so pain medication is not increased when pain becomes intense. Which of the following statements by the patient refers to pain quality? Construct a truth table for the proposition and determine whether the proposition is a contingency, tautology, or contradiction. This regimen is not motivated by the need to prevent respiratory depression or to eliminate nighttime dosing. Feedback: The nurse is busy and forgets to assess the client's pain and administer prescribed pain medication. B) We need to provide pain medications because it is the law, and we must always follow the law. The patient will be at home monitoring his own pain management, administering his own medicatand monitoring and reporting side effects. B) Provide psychosocial family support during this emotional experience. pain. Two patients on your unit have recently returned to the postsurgical unit after knee arthroplapatient is reporting pain of 8 to 9 on a 0-to-10 pain scale, whereas the other patient is reportinsty. One way preventive pain measures can be implemented is by using PRN medications on a more regular or scheduled basis to allow for more uniform pain control. It affects only those patients who are already debilitated prior to experiencing pain. what variables should the nurse consider? Medication should begin at a low dose and slowly increase until the pain is managed. ATI student name skill name lauren moffat pain management: priority action for dressing changes review module chapter 55 description of skill pain assessment is DismissTry Ask an Expert Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home Ask an ExpertNew My Library Courses You don't have any courses yet. Feedback: The nurse is caring for a patient with metastatic bone cancer. Before administering medications such as narcotics for the first time, the nurse should assess for any previous allergic reactions. 5) use a sedation scale in addition to a pain rating scale to assess pain, especially when administering opioids, Pharm made easy 4.0: Introduction to Pharmaco, ATI Fundamentals - Chapter 41 - Pain manageme, critical thinking cards for ATI Proctored exam, ATI Ch 43 Principles of Antimicrobial Therapy, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, Service Management: Operations, Strategy, and Information Technology. ATI RN LEADERSHIP MANAGEMENT PROCTORED EXAM (0) PROCTOR ATI COMP REVIEW EXAM REVIEW QUESTIONS ati rn comprehensive predictor 2019 form nurse in pediatric unit is preparing to insert an iv catheter for which. Ans: B, C, D, E D) To eliminate the potentially adverse effects of the opioid A nurse is planning to teach coworkers about the legal and ethical principles used with pain management. Over the years, therdamage, and the patient is in chronic pain. nurses best response? Offer to assist the client with nonpharmacological relief strategies. The nurse suspects: facet syndrome. A nurse is reviewing information for several clients on the unit. The NA tells the nurse that he thinks the patiexaggerating and does not need pain medication. $$ C) You may be developing a mild addiction to the drug. 4) monitor for bleeding with long-term NSAID use, Pharmacological Interventions: Opioid analgesics, such as morphine sulfate, fentanyl (Sublimaze), and codeine, are appropriate for treating moderate to sever pain (postoperative pain, myocardial infarction pain, cancer pain), 1) Managing acute severe pain with short-term (24-48 hr) around-the-clock administration of opioids is preferable to following a PRN schedule (Select all that apply. ATI - Pain Management Pretest; ATI - Specimen Collection Pretest; Related Studylists Exit exam. indication that the patients medication will be discontinued. Because elderly people have a slower metabolism and a greater ratio of body fat to muscle mass compared with younger people, small doses of analgesic agents may be sufficient to relieve pain, and these doses may be effective longer. Acute pain indicates that damage or injury has occurred. Giving the patient alternative methods to control pain is good, but it will not work if the B) The patient is likely frustrated because she has to be in the hospital. A) Chronic Use of a predetermined overhead rate. C) Intermittent Which of the following pain management protocols should the nurse use when caring for this client? Chronic pain may affect the patients quality of life by interfering with work, interpersonal relationships, or sleep. 6. Discuss each of these separately. ), Stress Moving into a nursing home so others may care for him is an intervention that does not address the issue of pain. However, further education and assessment are patients, 4) identify the cause of sedation need to assess prior to giving a first dose of narcotics. the conversion of painful stimuli to an electrical impulse through peripheral nerve fibers (nociceptors), occurs as the electrical impulse travels along the nerve fibers, where neurotransmitters regulate it, the amount of pain a person is willing to bear, Substances that increase pain transmission and cause an inflammatory response, Substances that decrease pain transmission and produce analgesia, the spinal cord, causing muscles to contract reflexively, moving the body away from painful stimuli, 1) acute pain is protective, temporary, usually self-limiting, and resolves with tissue healing, 1) chronic pain is not protective. A) To prevent respiratory depression from the opioid myofascial pain syndrome. It is ongoing or recurs frequently, lasting longer than 6 months and persisting beyond tissue healing, 1) nociceptive pain arises from damage to or inflammation of tissue other than that of the peripheral and central nervous systems, 1) neuropathic pain arises from abnormal or damaged pain nerves The client reports taking an opioid prescription for chronic pain. If these are ineffective, pain-relief goals need to be reassessed in collaboration with the physician. A) Cancer pain is often related to the stress of the patient knowing she has cancer and rerelatively low doses of pain medications along with a high dose of anti-anxiety medications, The mother of a cancer patient comes to the nurse concerned with her daughters safety. y little C) The increased risk of overdose is an inevitable risk of maintaining adequate pain controcancer treatment. A transmission 3 Q guidance would not be a priority at this point and morphine is not the only medication administered byPCA.