Customer Reviews. While the stance of AA supports a general understanding of a higher power, Celebrate Recovery holds that Jesus Christ is the only true path to God. (yes, I know the AA book was written in 1939, I am just sharing what I learned in the video). I am still of the opinion that a drunken man does not bring glory to God. (3) those who actually adopted the spiritual part of the program by doing what the Big Book tells them to do at specific times of day, months, and yearly. Celebrate Recovery lesson 9 will encompass the previous eight lessons and will place you on your road to recovery! Actually adopting them is beyond my conception, especially if were discussing fundamentalist anything (Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, you name it). Your first experience in Celebrate Recovery sounds amazing. I found very few who even wished to acknowledge the AA god much less follow any doctrine set forth in the Big Book and 12 x 12. She uncovers the small steps, minute by minute, day by day rubber meets the road work that is encountered every day and not covered in any CR program in my experience. . We open the door by sharing our experiences, strengths and hopes with one another. 9 A study conducted by AA in 2014 showed that 27% of the more than 6,000 members who participated in the study were sober for less than a year. So it only made sense, to pull it out, brush it off and update it. Written by people in recovery for people in recovery. I drank irresponsibly in my youth up through my early 30s and just made up my mind to cut the crap and stopped my boozing. In addition to the 12 Steps, Celebrate Recovery also uses 8 Principles that are based on the beatitudes. We admitted to God, ourselves, and another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. They meet before and after the meetings they have get together and cookouts and even social clubs. My opinion: Isnt it great that were not limited to one option when it comes to recovery programmes? What effect did that action have on your life? Small Groups Bible Study Spring Session. Once youve completed medical detox and treatment for your addiction to alcohol, it is important that you find a place for accountability and support. However, there is another book published by the same name in 2013, with the authorship credited to Rick Warren AND John Baker. Neither of them have Proven to truly be effective long term. Choosing recovery close to home means your support system is just a few miles away. Each to their own AA is the biggest recovery group in the world its success speaks for itself. 4,7 For example, members of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) may say they are "in recovery" or are "recovering alcoholics." Substance use treatment program directors sometimes speak of their "recovery rate," meaning the proportion of patients who have graduated and remained abstinent. Since it's beginning over 23 years ago, its success rate has received international acclaim for participant success. Celebrate Recovery (CR) is a national, Christ-centered self-help program hosted by local churches to help people struggling with addiction or other life-controlling issues. AAs approach, in my opinion, is/has made the spiritual solution palatable for a greater number, of those suffering from alcoholism and addiction than CR ever will. I have no experience of the CR programme but am always keen to hear about anything that works to support recovery. Ill try to write them down and we can exchange thoughts. While Celebrate Recovery groups focus on a wide variety of addiction, illness, and personal issues, AA puts a lens on alcoholism. I have been in 12-Step recovery in various fellowships since September of 1988. Each day can be a challenge, so every milestone is celebrated during that first year. What I think I need to do here is make a clear statement that religion is not spirituality. In the U.S. and abroad, over 35,000 churches and many secular organizations and businesses . During this lesson, you will need to stay positive, as you will be looking once again at both the good and the bad of your life. Christ followers find this too non-specific and feel the term is too new age. As it has been said: stop looking back, you are not going that way. September is National Recovery Month: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration ( SAMHSA) sponsors National Recovery Month to raise awareness of disorders related to substance use and mental health. 7 days ago. As mentioned in the previous lessons, Im Michele and am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ. It was a new program to at my church and I was eager to surround myself with others wanting to grow. I would never have recovered if I had to pretend to adopt someones elses beliefs. Reserve a daily time with God for self-examination, Bible reading, and prayer to know God and His will for my life and to gain the power to follow His will. It is used at over 10,000 churches nationwide. They stop at the word God and leave out the as you understand him part. Prayer to all who have succumbed to this disease and battling it daily because i fully believe he battle is never over. Once sober, the moral habit of considering the needs of others is an important part of restoring broken relationships. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. Wow, thanks for sharing your insightful perspective. 6 There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to treatment, but it's most successful when individuals complete the entire course Amen! You will be made new if you have the courage to see the battle through. trust God and clean housefor me thats a full time job. Don't miss this opportunity to get the latest summit bundle for your church and ministry. But I would balk at a concept of alcoholism as a moral failing connected with sin. Remember that you can overcome anything you set your mind to! I get so frustrated when my stuff gets erased. For 20 years I lived ten miles from Akron, Ohio and visited AA Mecca. Other , Celebrate Recovery is a place to find freedom from . Im pro-AA because it continues to work well for me though Im not a fundamentalist and accept that its by no means the the only route to recovery. Jeff, I think you bring up a good point. As my moral inventory is reserved for myself, God, and my sponsor, I wont be sharing that here, but I will talk about the experience I had in working on it. Addiction Specialists At Hospitals Could Prevent Drug Overdose Deaths. One day at a time. Stick with the winnersetc. Neither needs the other to exist. If you have a broken or damaged marriage, you probably know pain very well. Thanks for your insightful comments. What do you plan to do next in regards to these actions? Give by downloading Shelby Next Giving app. 31.1 %. What are the hours of operation? Estimated rates of relapse from heroin addiction can be placed as high as 80%, meaning an average of 20% full recovery rate. 39 %. Saying that you then mention alcoholism as a sin/desire problem. As a Unitarian Universalist, I believe we all get it absolutely right on some things, some of the time, and mostly right on a lot of things often enough to be proud of our efforts. It is Googleable. Have you heard of this lady Gabrielle G? I will note that AA does not have a doctrine as such, and the literature repeatedly states the reasons why. I suppose whatever works. Its important that you are as detailed as possible, as you will want to explain these things to your sponsor. That kind of unquestioning belief is pretty rare among the general public. It was "born out of the heart of Saddleback Church" with Rick's approval and under his oversight, and, as you might expect, is fraught with unbiblical issues at nearly every turn. Celebrate Recovery meets at the Capital Turnaround at 6:30pm (with dinner available starting at 6pm) on Thursday evenings and you can join at any time! What are the Celebrate Recovery 12 steps? Its faith-based 12-step program dominates treatment in the United States. Celebrate Recovery is a community outreach initiative that has proven to be successful and continues to grow and change the lives of thousands worldwide. Dont worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Point out anything in me that offends You and lead me along the path of everlasting life. This is part of moving away from the blame and shame approach to addiction treatment. How did a regimen so overtly religious in nature, with a 31 percent success rate at best, a five to 10 percent success rate at worst, and a five percent overall retention rate become the. That was helpful. Fear not, for I am with you. The groups meet on a regular basis, often daily to provide a strong support network. Yes, the over-all General Meetings typically take place only once per week, but once the CR leadership sees a person is ready to go deeper, they are afforded the opportunity to join a Step-Group that meets on a different day/night giving them a second meeting per week. You dont need to have any formal education or training to be in recovery, but grab a notebook and pencil for the moral inventory or print the provided FREE Moral Inventory Worksheet. If your recovery works better for you some other way than AA, please do whatever works for you. But, as you say, if CR works for a suffering addict, then fine. "Success, for me, requires that I be clean and sober," Frank told me. Yet, sobriety is only a piece of Frank's definition. I have had a few people who tried Celebrate Recovery tell me that they were basically cast-out and told they would be going to Hell because they were not true Christians; however, I hope these are isolated events. So where AA encourages everyone to share their experiences and hope, CR just was not able to provide that because only one woman had been sober for longer than a year. The main difference between the two programs is Jesus Christ! By working the 12 steps an applying their biblical principles, we begin to grow spiritually. The fact that the 12 Steps never require that saved my life. Interesting post and reader comments on CR. Peacekeeping versus peacemaking is a problem as peacekeeping is denying that the problems are there, where peacemaking looks at and asks God to remove those problems. I am more a Buddhist but I have started to look at Christianity as a new model but I will wait and see but of course Christ through God because we need to be introduced to this all consuming love gently. Another theme is selling books about how AA doesnt work. Dont buy it, never have, never will. The purpose of TCWWs Celebrate Recovery is to fellowship and celebrate Gods healing power in our lives through the Twelve Steps. If someone hurt you, list the specifics of what happened. Ive been around the block several times with Christianity and its view of alcoholism as a moral deficiency. Both AA and Celebrate Recovery utilize the, While both groups do use a 12-Step approach to recovery, they differ in the intent behind the steps. And in Gods perfect timing, allow them to experience the love of Christ. There are many different programs aimed at helping individuals through their recovery from alcoholism or alcohol addiction. Though the Celebrate Recovery program was founded by Saddleback Church, and based in the Christian faith, the group says that over 70% of their members come from outside the church. Is there a 12 step program for food addiction? A study of 4,840 people recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that people who walk more than 12,000 steps a day die at a much lower rate than those who only walk fewer than 4,000 steps. They copy them exactly out of AAs big book, except when it says God, as you understand him. Isaiah 41:10 (TLB). The Celebrate Recovery Serenity Prayer is as follows: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Since you might not realize your part in all this, you will want to dig deep and pray plenty! Think about what made you feel fear or resentment. Now, I dont myself agree with the entirety of 12 Step philosophyas they say you can take what you like and leave the rest which is freedom. Beginning with 43 people and just four groups, Celebrate Recovery began to make an impact in the lives of churchgoers. True, if you forget the past you are doomed to repeat it but if you open too much time looking back you will never be able to go forward. Sounds like the 12 step programs have the edge here. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. It also goes with Celebrate Recovery principle 4 of the Celebrate Recovery 8 Principles. Celebrate Recovery Serenity Prayer | All You Need to Know, Celebrate Recovery Lesson 20: Daily Inventory (Free Worksheet), What is a Prayer Notebook or Prayer Binder? Celebrate Recovery principle 4 is: to Openly examine and confess my faults to myself, to God, and to someone I trust. I would recommend keeping a copy with you or memorizing it! It is normally a social event. We become free from our addictive, compulsive, dysfunctional and destructive behaviors. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experience. ! He died for our sins. Trust God as you begin this lesson, as you might struggle with making your moral inventory. From an outside viewpoint, Christian is a term for anyone who worships Jesus Christ. I could write on and on. He will get you through this!! I should be clear that separate from my comments the vast majority in AA do, do very well. Grace Beahm/Staff. Thanks again. They justify this by saying that AA has made a fortune from selling their Big Book and that most of the material contained within, is taken from other sources. Advanced trainings that continue to build on your foundational knowledge of how to successfully run your own CR Face-to-face connection with the national and global team of Celebrate Recovery. This is too important to do less well than you could. Im a little biased because Im a believer. Thats what most of us are scared real love. For the Good that I would I do not, but the evil which I would not, that I do Paul the Apostle said this Romans 7:19 They also dont appreciate the chapter in the AA book called We Agnostics. We also received personal counseling by the leader. Some of the best facilitated recovery work can be found at your local mental health center. 100% Success rate 317 . Realize that you played NO part and had NO responsibility for the damage that happened to you!